
Sciatica can be debilitating. It affects the longest nerve in the body and can create excruciating pain from the lower back down to the foot. The sciatic nerve can be injured in a slip and fall accident, a car crash, or by using poor lifting techniques. No matter what the cause, if you would like to prevent chronic, long-term pain, you will need to seek treatment immediately. Chiropractic care can minimize your pain by taking pressure from the sciatic nerve and allowing it to heal properly. If you are in Dubai or in the UAE and living with sciatica, it is time to schedule an appointment at Spine & Joint Chiropractic Rehab Clinic.


Symptoms of Sciatic Nerve Pain

The symptoms of sciatic nerve pain will vary from person to person. The pain can be dull or sharp and may vary in severity with the way you move. Chronic, long-term pain may become a problem if the issue is not properly addressed as soon as the pain appears. The longer you wait to receive treatment, the worse your pain may be.

Chiropractic Care Offers Several Benefits

The first thing our chiropractor will do is find the cause of your pain and discomfort. Once the source has been treated, the symptoms will gradually fade as the area starts to heal. Healing will take a little while so during that period, our chiropractor may have you perform a few stretches and physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles around the injured area.

Preventing Sciatic Nerve Pain

Sciatic nerve pain caused by an injury cannot be prevented, but you can prevent sciatica caused by poor lifting techniques or athletic injuries. Always remember to use proper form and wear a weight belt when lifting. Preventing ongoing sciatic nerve pain isn't difficult if you understand proper body mechanics and remember to receive treatment as soon as possible after an injury.

Contact Spine & Joint Chiropractic Rehab Clinic

If you have been involved in an accident or have been injured in any way that impacts your sciatic nerve, seek chiropractic care immediately. At the first sign of pain, call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Sabry at Spine & Joint Chiropractic Rehab Clinic in JLT, Dubai. Our customized treatment plans work by addressing the source so that the symptoms begin to take care of themselves. Call our team today at +971-52-7995925 or + 971-4-566-5763 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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Spine & Joint Chiropractic Rehab Clinic


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